Hello, thanks for visiting.
In order to pay the bills I am an environmental scientist, but the rest of the time I am a hillwalking musician and photographer. This site is an unfolding story of places I've been to and events I've witnessed, a rolling and somewhat aimless narrative. I hope you enjoy them. If you find images here that you like, please let me know. I am equally interested in hearing what you don't like.
The image is the most important thing but I love cameras simply as objects, I find them interesting and exciting and lovely mechanisms. I use Nikon and Fujifilm equipment.
I've built this site using jAlbum, if you are thinking of making your own site then I recommend you give them a try.
- Andrew
There are many photographers from whom I draw inspiration, some contemporary and some not. There are really too many to list, but here are a few.
- Bernard Rose - I must declare a family connection! Bernard is my cousin, and a real photographer. He has been so encouraging and kind sharing his knowledge and experience with me over the years, but I don't expect ever to reach his standard.
- Adrian Villa - Adrian's aesthetic is very close to what I find most moving and beautful in landscape photography. His work constantly excites and surprises me and exemplifies simplicity and depth simultaneously. He is gifted with an eye that see things more in an emotional light rather than visible light. Additionally, Adrian's YouTube channel is full of beautiful stories about how he makes his images. As you can tell, I'm a huge fan, and his work continues to inspire me.
- Damian Shields - Damian's work is a masterclass of how to make images in the most painterly way. His use of light is marvellous.
- Daido Moriyama
- Helen Levitt
- Don McCullin